Prior to beginning the application process, applicants must undergo an initial assessment of
credentials to ensure that they are qualified to undergo certification by the IBCSOMS. These
credentials include qualifications in dentistry, medicine or both and designation from an
approved authority that a candidate has completed the requisite training to be considered a
specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery in the region where they practice.Independent
verification of documents and qualifications may be required. An application fee of US$50 must
accompany the initial assessment.
Upon successful completion of the initial review, applicants will be invited to complete a more
detailed application form through the IBCSOMS website. Documentation from their training
faculty, a description of the training program and a record of surgical cases along with evidence
of licensure will be required along with an examination fee that will be determined by the
A more detailed description of the two-stage process and a list of the documents required can
be found below.
The Initial Assessment
1. Completion of a Demographic form that will be accessed from the IBCSOMS website.
The information necessary includes:
- i. Surname (Family name)
- ii. First name (Personal name)
- iii. Additional names
- iv. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
- v. Postal Address
- vi. Country of practice
- vii. Applicant picture
2. Basic Qualifications (must be certified copies).
- i. Current registration certificate or annual practicing certificate if they are issued
- ii. Change of name instruments if the name on the certificates does not match the
- iii. Two (2) passport sized photographs. Each photograph must be endorsed in
handwriting and certified that this is a true likeness of the applicant. Photographs
that do not show the full face or are not of passport standard will be rejected and
the application process will not proceed
- iv.The Initial Assessment fee which is established by the IBCSOMS Senate
Application Process
1. After successful completion of the Initial Assessment, candidates will be able to
complete the application process through the IBCSOMS website.
The information necessary includes:
- i. Formal training program name
- ii. Institution name
- iii Program director name
- iv. Supervisors of training
- v. Chronological list of at least 3 years of full time training
2. Documentation required
- i. Certification from the OMS Program Director of completion of formal training.
- ii. Certification from supervisors attesting to full time training completed if there
was not a program director.
- iii. Contact details of all supervisors of training including email addresses. All
supervisors will be contacted so that the IBCSOMS can verify a minimum of
three (3) years full OMS time training.
- iv.Completion of IBCSOMS surgical logbook/record of operative experience for
at least the three (3) years of formal training. For each time period the
surgical supervisor must verify the list of procedures performed and the role
of the trainee in the performance of this procedur.e
- v. The assessment fee which is established by the IBCSOMS Senate.
Educational Requirements
- 1. Applicants for certification by the IBCSOMS must have graduated from training
programs recognized by the Credentials Committee of the IBCSOMS.
- ii. Applicants for certification by the IBCSOMS must have completed a minimum of three
(3) years of advanced educational oral and maxillofacial surgery programs as noted
Licensure Requirement
Candidates must show evidence of a current license from the appropriate authority
enabling the individual to practice independently the specialty of oral and maxillofacial
surgery in the location of the individual’s practice. Licensure questions will be addressed
by the IBCSOMS Credentials Committee .
Surgical Logbook/Record of Operative Experience
All candidates must complete a surgical logbook/record of operative experience of surgical
activities to demonstrate their clinical experience during training. The logbook / record of
operative experience is located on the IBCSOMS website.
The logbook/record of operative experience includes the patient’s:
- 1. Medical record number..
- 2. Gender.
- 3. Date of Birth.
- 4. The candidates Supervisor of Training / Trainer / Consultant / Attending .
- 5. Date of the operation. (For investigative procedures, use the date when completed.
If a patient has two operations at different times, then both are counted.).
- 6. Operation details. The basic unit of the logbook is the individual patient having an
operation, not a series of procedures. Thus generally the operation will be covered
by a single description in a single category. The details of the operation should be
written using standard descriptive terms of what was done. Avoid eponymous terms
for operations.
Surgical Log Template
Surgical Role of Candidates
There are two categories of involvement – Surgeon or Assistant.
The logbook/record of operative experience includes the patient’s:
1. Surgeon
- i. Performing the operation in the absence of the responsible trainer
or consultant .
- ii. Performing the operation in the presence of the trainer or consultant.
- iii. Performing a substantial part of the operation with the consultant,
i.e. “doing one side” .
2. Assistant
- i. Assisting another surgeon, either Trainer, consultant or trainee.
- ii. A person who does not scrub or is not the first assistant is not considered by the
IBCSOMS to be an assistant on the case. The logbook/record of operative
experience must be verified by the surgeon who was supervising the procedure.
Verification from the training program is also required before submission to
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery requires competency and experience in all aspects of the
core curriculum, those candidates whose logbooks do not document the requisite number
of cases in the specified categories will not qualify for certification by the IBCSOMS.